Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Welcome to my pitty party

Today as my mom was checking out her facebook she says "whoa! K and T are getting married!?!?!" K being my ex husband and T being the woman he spent our whole marriage sleeping with, and thus the final reason which forced me to leave him. Now the only feelings I have for my ex is pure hatred, so why does this bother me so? Because the lying, cheating, bastard who I took care of, put through school, bought the house and furnished it(which he now owns) cooked, cleaned, took care of our beautiful daughter, and he is now very happy and marrying the woman he cheated with for years? A dear wise friend pointed out he thinks I am so upset because K used me to get to her. (thank you my dear friend for pointing THAT out to me) So he is all happy and getting married and they have their second child on the way, and I can't get a date with a decent man. So here I sit feeling sorry for myself, but that is indeed just so foolish. So I will sit and cry for a bit, let out my frustration and anger, mostly at myself for making such a foolish choice in husband at such a young age. Then I will take a deep breath pick myself off the floor and be thankful he is marrying a woman who treats my daughter well and cares for her. Because in the end that beautiful girl we had together is all that matters.

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