Sunday, May 15, 2011

How much is enough?

My dear 2 1/2 year old daughter came home from her night at her daddys house today. After our lunch with daddy and a quick stop at the store for new watercolors, we came home and painted a HUGE picture together, then we did 3 puzzles and then played a few levels of Mario on the Wii. So I started thinking about it, and it got me thinking about honestly how much time I do spend playing with her, like honestly playing doing what she wants, and I realize I spend a good 5, 6 or more hours a day just playing with her. Which is crazy as I always feel guilty for not doing enough with her. Which is of course why I never get anything else done. Where is that balance? Why do I struggle with this so it my perfectionism? Wanting to be the perfect mother and woman? Probably. How do I fight the perfection monster?

What if.....

Today my mind is full of what if? Lately I have been thinking a lot about a certain someone and then last night had a wild dream about him and has really made me stop and think. I have always regretted not telling him I loved him. He was my very best friends little brother. So I've know him as long as I can remember. And was in love with him for as long as I can remember. He was so cute, and sweet, and funny and just perfect. One day I commented to my friend that I had a crush on her brother and she freaked out (we were really young and it was her brother so she thought it was gross) so because of that I never told him. I just relished all the time I was able to spend with him. I went on vacations with them and just loved him more and more. Of all of the mistakes I have made in my life, that was the biggest and the one I regret the most. I wonder what our lives would have been, what kind of person I would be now if things had gone anywhere....

Friday, May 6, 2011

Pieces of life are falling into place

One of my girlfriends contacted me the other day and said hey I have got some work for you if you are interested...after a quick run through of the details, I was jumping up and down (literally) with joy. I get paid a decent wage, extremely flexible hours AND I GET TO WORK FROM HOME!!!! And I can start training tomorrow! Seriously this is a dream come true! No it's not a glamorous job nor will I get rich but it will be more than enough to pay my bills, have some to save, and some splurge on the kiddos. And I can do it while I am home, and I can easily work it around whatever the kids are doing. And work it around school! I am still in shock of all of this, I can't even begin to explain how grateful I am to her and how much this has saved me...