Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Welcome to my pitty party

Today as my mom was checking out her facebook she says "whoa! K and T are getting married!?!?!" K being my ex husband and T being the woman he spent our whole marriage sleeping with, and thus the final reason which forced me to leave him. Now the only feelings I have for my ex is pure hatred, so why does this bother me so? Because the lying, cheating, bastard who I took care of, put through school, bought the house and furnished it(which he now owns) cooked, cleaned, took care of our beautiful daughter, and he is now very happy and marrying the woman he cheated with for years? A dear wise friend pointed out he thinks I am so upset because K used me to get to her. (thank you my dear friend for pointing THAT out to me) So he is all happy and getting married and they have their second child on the way, and I can't get a date with a decent man. So here I sit feeling sorry for myself, but that is indeed just so foolish. So I will sit and cry for a bit, let out my frustration and anger, mostly at myself for making such a foolish choice in husband at such a young age. Then I will take a deep breath pick myself off the floor and be thankful he is marrying a woman who treats my daughter well and cares for her. Because in the end that beautiful girl we had together is all that matters.

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Happily ever after...

With all of the hype with the royal wedding, I have been feeling utterly depressed. I mean here is this woman who gets the whole package, a man who is cute, good hearted, rich and a PRINCE to boot! I mean how unfair is that? I can't even find a decent man to go on a date with and she gets a prince! I want to fall in love again. But frankly I'm terrified of it. Not only do I have to find someone who is right for me but also right for my girls. Someone loving, loyal, supportive, trustworthy, handsome, fun, sweet, kind, caring, funny, who will be my best friend, and lover and partner. Now really what are the odds of that happening? In ways I love being single. I love being able to watch whatever I want on tv having my whole bed to myself, being able to plan my life as I want to. But at the same time I want someone to be with, to watch tv with, cook dinner with, to love and be loved. Maybe eventually my time will come....

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

short term

I am awesome at setting long term goals. I however seem to stink at the short term. So I am making a 2 1/2 year plan. I know 2 1/2 seems a bit odd but that number comes to my 30th birthday. So by the time I hit the big 3-0 I want:

My kids to continue to be healthy and happy
To have obtained my degree
Landed a good, stable, well paying job
Have a little nest egg in the bank

Only four things, but those four things are HUGE to me. And I will work my tail off to achieve them. I think I will set smaller goals in order to get to those. Even simple ones like "finish this class with an A" or "setting aside X of money each month to put in savings". I can do this!!

Saturday, April 9, 2011

rainy day ramblings

It is a lovely albeit cold rainy day, I spent some time this morning at the bookstore. Bookstores are one of my favorite hangouts. I especially love our local buy/sell/trade, they fairly recently put in a little cafe. It's so peaceful to spend a grey day in the bookstore sipping a nice warm drink browsing the shelves. There are always so many treasures to find. That is what I especially love about used bookstores, you can always find something special or two or three!

I am a big geek and enjoy all my tech toys, but I am not a fan of Kindles or Nooks or the like. I do think they could have their place in my life, say for travel. But I love having an actual book in my hand. I love my shelves of books that I have. Ever since I was a little girl I had a dream of having a library in my house. Like the kind you see in movies where they are floor to ceiling shelves and you have to have that rolling ladder to reach the tall ones. And to have that leather wing-back chair next to the fireplace, with the side table and a bottle of scotch. Picture perfect. I still dream of having that. To have a plethora of books for me and my children and anyone who pops by for a visit. With all of the bookstores and libraries closing it breaks my heart. I don't want my kids growing up without books. They are closing libraries in droves in the UK. It is so sad. I think of all the fond memories I have spent in the library when I was growing up. The smell of the books, card catalogs (lol), the lovely librarians, getting my own library card, the pride I felt in carrying that responsibility of those books. Now I am feeling incredibly nostalgic, so with my children off with their daddies for the weekend, I will curl up with a soft blanket, my 2 cats, and a good book, and lose myself in a wonderful story...

Thursday, April 7, 2011

It's been a while

since I have blogged. Just haven't been in the mood/have nothing interesting to say. So here I am back trying to feel some sense of normalcy. I have been walking around in a fog of homework, school anxiety, money worries, stress, kid problems and exhaustion.

Last weekend I went out with some old friends to karaoke (and noooo I didn't sing lol) and then run to our former place of work for old times sake. It was really great to have a night out as "Crystal" and not as "Mama". I've been Mama for so long, it's hard to see myself as an individual. I felt guilty for going out. Though I had no reason to, it the the girls night with their dads anyway so if I had not gone out I would have just sat home alone. So I am going out again next weekend for a friends party. Out to a new bar that supposedly has a HUGE dance floor! I looooove to dance so I'm gonna get out on that floor and shake me booty LOL!! Working myself up to be the confidant independant woman I have always wanted to be, but was never brave enogugh to try.